September/October Update

Greetings from Zambia! 

We are moving into typically the hottest month of the year in Zambia, but we know many of you are preparing for fall and winter weather to come. We are praying this year will bring some bountiful rain as this last year we did not receive much rainfall which resulted in very little harvests for the people. There are many people beginning to work in their fields now to prepare them for the planting season. We are in a hard season right now as there are many around us that are going 2-3 days between meals and are struggling to be able to pay for the discounted mealie meal program from the government food reserve program. The need is great, and there are many in need of help. Please be praying for us as we face these struggles around us as we need God's wisdom and discernment in how to proceed. 

In September we celebrated our boys. Clayton's Birthday was Sept.3rd. He is now the big 1-0!! Levi celebrated his 3rd birthday on the 18th, and then on Sept.22 we celebrated Elijah who came and quickly and left this Earth to his heavenly home 11 years ago. Needless to say, there were lots of cupcakes and sweet treats that were thoroughly enjoyed by all. 


Steve and Bobby have come to Mission of Love for many years to assist in any way they can. We were so happy to spend about 3 weeks with them. They were able to assist in much needed areas: helping to weld and set trusses for a nearby community school. Also, they assisted in the building and design of a new solar array for the Joubert family so that he can have more power to run the pump that is in a new well that was dug on the property to help with the gardens and maize irrigation. The community is happy to have a new roof on their school building to put classes in especially due to the rains coming soon. Also, another well was dug for the community. This well will service many people as it is in a very central location. Many of the shallow wells have dried up this year due to the lack of rainfall this year. This well will provide fresh, clean, water for the community for years to come. We give God all the glory and praise as it is difficult to find a good water source here. 

Before the rainy season begins and travel becomes difficult, we have called many of the extended families of our children to come for a meeting to discuss any new programs we have concerning the children, and gathering any new information they provide us about any changes that have been made. Please continue to keep the extended families, and our children in your prayers as they continue to build healthy relationships with each other.

The drilling rig. We praise the Lord that two successful wells were drilled. We pray that these two wells will remain strong throughout the years. 

At the end of September. The children's ministry teams from 4 churches gathered together to have a graduation celebration for the children who completed the curriculum through Samaritan's Purse. The children shared memory verses, sang songs, and acted out different stories from the lessons we learned. It was a great opportunity for our children to meet other children who were going through the same course as them and learn from the other teachers that were present. We thank God for this opportunity to invest in the children and we pray that they will choose to follow the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind. We pray that these children will come to know their identity in Christ and share that hope with others. 

Steve and Bobby were a huge blessing. The laughter, the fellowship, and working hands to help where it was needed. Below are a few pictures of the neighboring community school and their time with our kids.  

While the big boys were working on the school project. They young boys had their own building projects happening here. They have worked so hard to complete their "dump truck house" 

Prayer Points:

- Jako is having back surgery on Monday, Oct 14th. Please be praying this surgery is successful and he will be relieved of back pain. Pray also for Amber and the boys as they help him recover well from the surgery. 

- As we mentioned earlier, there are many experiencing hunger right now. Please be praying for the ministry as we continue to discern the situations around us. 

-We also are still in the process of fundraising for a vehicle. We still have a lot to raise, so please consider giving towards this need.

Titus 3:4-7

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

To Him Be the Glory Forever and Ever,

The Sweerins


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