Greetings Family and Friends

Greetings from Zambia. This update is long overdue. We appreciate your prayers and patience with us as we are not great at putting out monthly updates.  At the end of August last year, many of you know we visited the states. We were so thankful to reconnect and visit friends and family after being away for 3 years. 

 We returned to Zambia mid- November. A short time after our return the end of the school year was just a couple weeks away, so we were helping the teachers to complete their assessments and finish all of the administrative work from the last term. I was also trying to wrap our own children's schooling and prepare for the new year to begin. 

Since a few of our teachers were leaving, we took the opportunity to do a deep cleaning of the preschool so that we could have a fresh start. It had been years since the last deep clean. The walls, carpets, manipulatives, dolls, dress-up clothes, blocks, puzzles, and kitchen toys were all washed, reorganized sorted, and mended or replaced if possible. It was quite the undertaking, but I was so thankful to have Amber and 4 other women's help. It is looking so nice. Nate was also able to put up some shelves and fixed and reinforced the tabletops, so it all looks great. The two new teachers are young and can only be with us one year, so it has been a learning process for us all. 

On March 8th, Women's Day is celebrated in Zambia. Amber and I were invited to speak at this event. We were honored to have this opportunity to speak with women in the community. We spoke on Identity in Chirst, and encouraged them as women, wives, and mothers. 

 Despite our many difficulties we have faced upon our return, it has drawn us to look at the condition of our own hearts and submit our thoughts and ideas to the Lord. God is faithful and He understands our struggles. In all that comes our way, I pray that we would be found seeking Him as that is where our strength to endure the struggle comes from. 

Nate working on the butchery. 

For me(Nate), farm work and maintenance keep me quite busy most of the time. November, December, and January we were preparing the soil and planting crops. This year Jako decided plant maize(corn), soybeans, and sunflower. Each of these crops are very important for feeding the animals as well as the children at the orphanage. He has a strong oil press for the sunflower as well as chaff cutter for corn stalks and a new sheller.  Through all the farm involvement I enjoy the interaction with the people. God has blessed me with guys to interact with, teach, encourage, and disciple.  

The Children's Home septic needed
to be drained/pumped, fixed, and resecured.
It was a very smelly project but very necessary
as it was not working properly. 

The most recent development I have enjoyed helping with is a new teaching on Fatherlessness. This topic goes deep into all cultures as one of the greatest weaknesses in a society. Especially in the church. Knowing how to raise a family, and to bring God glory through it. This is a task most men would admit they need help with. Jako's leadership has encouraged Obby (who pastors the local church we attend) to gather a group of guys who are seeking. Through these meetings the men are beginning to understand this urgent need in Africa. Polygamy, divorce, devaluing of women, and teenage pregnancy are all serious problems in our area. Through meeting together, we have found great encouragement from God's Word. He alone holds the answers.

Jako decided to purchase people's maize
stalks for the making of silage.
Sunflower being dried

A big prayer point we wanted to mention is that Zambia is in a serious drought. Normally, people would be harvesting a good crop of maize that would most likely feed their families and pay for some or all of their year's expenses. Unfortunately, this year's lack of rain was very widespread, and most did not harvest enough maize to sustain them through the year. We have heard many reports that it has been more than 50 years since a drought of this magnitude. Please pray that we would know what to say and how to help people in need.

 Over the last month we have had two trips to the capital of Lusaka. This last trip included passport renewals for the kids, searching for vehicle parts, collecting our U.S. shipment, and a variety of other needs. We will need to make a few more trips this year as we need to renew our Work Visas this year. As we concluded our second trip to Lusaka, we have decided to mention a desire to purchase a second vehicle. We had some trouble on the way to Lusaka, which resulted in being towed 4 hours back south to Livingstone to our mechanic there that we trust. While God was extremely gracious in allowing us a 2-day repair, we have seen how a second vehicle could remove some stress on being without a vehicle during a repair. Unfortunately, our roads require us to do a lot of maintenance on our vehicles to keep them running well. Nate has been making almost weekly trips to town for supplies needed for the various projects that are happening here. Many parts we need are 8 hours from our home, or they have to be ordered and shipped from overseas.

 Our kids are growing fast, and we enjoy seeing them flourish in different ways. 

Natalie sewing a skirt on her
new sewing machine. She is dreaming 
about all her future projects.

Natalie with a help of a donations was able to purchase her first sewing machine. She loves it and asks me often to use it. She has helped with mending clothes, and making clothes for her dolls, sisters, and toddlers at the children's home. She enjoys being at the orphanage helping the mommies with the babies and playing hopscotch with her friends.

Clayton and Chipo
The boys call it their "dump truck house"  

 Clayton has been busy with friends playing soccer and has enjoyed building a small brick playhouse for him and his friends. He is an active boy who really likes to know what jobs he can do to be a help. From digging holes, to slashing grass, to cutting up firewood. He also really enjoys music and is practicing his drumming skills. 

Girls playing hopscotch


 Lily is a little bookworm. She loves to read and color and play with her dolls and Legos. She is great helper with Hannah and Levi and likes keeping peace with siblings.  

Lily reading to Hannah and Levi.

Natalie sewed aprons for her sisters for 

She is so happy she gets to do big girl school
with mom now. 

Hannah is an adventure seeker with her little brother and starting a bit of preschool. She loves to be outside riding her bike with her brother and sisters. 


Levi is learning to talk more and more and put a smile everyone's face as he really puts into thought what he wants to say. 

Clayton and Baby F. who was reunited to his family in April

Even little girls like to play in the sand.
Baby A has had quite the journey, but with new medication
he is thriving and doing so much better. He will be reunited with his family next week. We will miss his smile and hugs, but we are so thankful to see him going home to his loving father and grandfather. 

Baby S was the first of four to be reunited with family.
 She had so much spunk. We thank God for her life.

Baby S and Natalie

On May 11th, our third baby was reunited with her family. She was a sweet girl and she will be missed by us. We are amazed at how easy the transitions back to family has been. It is truly a miracle, and we are so thankful. The housemothers give so much love and care, and we know that has helped these little ones be able to receive their families well. 


The same day we said goodbye to Baby S, we received a new baby boy. He is absolutely precious. We are so thankful the Lord has protected this boy through all the difficulties and transitions he has had to face in only his first few weeks of life. To God be the Glory. Welcome to the family Baby C. 

Sweet Baby Boy

The girls and their friends
Clayton and some of his friends

At the recent parent's day Melanie and the teachers enjoyed participating in interactive games and lessons to encourage parent's
involvement. It was definitely a great day.
Puzzle Time with Dad
They had fun creating different
things with the interlocking manipulatives
Large floor puzzle
This father built a handpump and
 a farming implement with blocks. 

As we look to our ministry here, we pray that it would be led by God, and seasoned in prayer. We want to be and do what God desires us to do. To be used by Him for His will and purposes. We want to remain obedient to God and continue to show the love of Christ to the people around us. We have many plans, desires, wants, and dreams for this growing ministry. So please pray for us and with us as we entrust our family, and each area of this ministry into God’s hands. We believe that His plans will prevail, triumph, succeed, and bring forth good to this community.

We are blessed to be a part of what God is doing in Mukumba, Zambia. Not by our might, but through His power as we obey and trust in Him. Deuteronomy 10:12-21.

In Christ,                                                               What do we do in Zambia?

    The Sweerins                                                                  1. Discipleship

                                                                                                  2. Community School

                                                                                                  3. Community Orphanage


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Write a check to: Faith Assembly of God. Write (Zambia) in memo line, and send it to:

5112 Lafayette Rd. Elk Run Heights, IA 50707

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Contact Information

E-mail:                       Nate’s WhatsApp: +260-95-591-6920


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